Sleeping and Eating Going Backwards

My baby is 7 weeks old and in his first few weeks home he was doing great with eating and sleeping. We could pretty much guarantee 2oz every 2-3 hours. He would sleep, wake up and eat then go right back to sleep and repeat. Almost on the dot. 
Well as he got bigger and requested more food we bumped him to 3oz every 3 hours and continued to do great with that. Again, pretty much on the dot. However the last week or 2 it seems as thought he sometimes will down his 3oz bottle in a matter of 10-15 minutes (usually takes him 20-30) and other times he won't even finish it. Maybe only drinking 1 and a half to 2 ounces. Then acts hungry again in an hour. 
I notice this much more at night but he sometimes does it during the day also. I was hoping to try to switch him to 4oz every 4 hours so it's a little easier when he goes to the sitter in a few short weeks but it seems impossible when he sometimes doesn't even finish the 3oz. 
I'm so confused on why it would be getting worse when I would think as he gets older he would be wanting to eat more and would hopefully be sleeping a little more also. One thing I have noticed is that when my husband gets up with him at night he will barely drink anything for him. For example, at 2am this morning I fixed him a 3 and a half oz bottle which I started doing yesterday to hopefully ease him up to the 4 ounces and he finished all but about half an ounce for me which was good. Of course I had to sort of wake him up a few times. Well my husband got up with him at 4:30 and fed him and he only ate an ounce for him. So he woke up again at 5:30 and I got him to eat about another 2 ounces. I've told my husband he HAS to get him to eat even if he has to sit there and get the baby makes to wake him up because it's really screwing with his schedule. Of course, you know how well that works with men ;)
Is anyone else having this with their little one? Or have any tips to get them back on more of a solid routine?