Hernia, help!!

In 2014 I had umbilical hernia repair surgery. Now I'm 23 weeks pregnant and been dealing with pain for some time now. Went to the dr today and told her I think I have a hernia. Keep in mind I could barely walk into the office. She pushed on my belly button and made me cough a few times and said yep, I have a hernia. However, she doesn't want to look at it any further, but did say if it got worse or something happened I would have to go in for surgery. And said it'll probably pop out before I delivery due to the baby growing. So now I'm scared to death. I read on American pregnancy association that it could life threatening. Of course that isn't always the case but I'm a worry wart. I'm just upset that she's not looking into this any further especially with as much pain as I'm in and have been for a few weeks now. Any mom's been through this? I'm scared.