sick 24 hours

Ladies this morning sickness killing me this is not just the morning but all day and all night and I can't even keep water down I start to feel like anxiety and panic attacks because I just don't want to feel like this I'm so scared ...I can't lay down an rest it's always in my head that I'm doing to vomit because I'm so nauseous I feel hopeless idk I don't even know if I'm using the right words i'm just scared to continue feeling like this I want to feel relaxed I want to enjoy my pregnancy I'm Just 7weeks.  I see so many women so many girls posting about how much they love there pregnancy I see woman in the street always smiling and glowing my mother-in-law told me her stories of how she loved being pregnant and I'm just like kind of going and feeling little crazy because I don't know what's going on with me I don't know if this is normal or I think it is but I  can't handle this everyday don't like feeling like this!