Positive Birth Story! :)

Hi guys ! Loved reading everyone birth stories while I was pregnant so I thought I'd share mine with you all :) 
I went into labor at 39 weeks and 1 day.. I was in sooo much agony that I told my husband.. We need to go walking 3 miles a day so that entire 38th week.. We walked n walked n walked.. On the day I turned 39 weeks I started feeling contractions at night and pieces of my bloody show started coming in.. I told my husband I think we getting close babe!.. Super excited I went to bed on Friday night.. Woke up at 4am Saturday morning with contractions 10 mins apart.. Watched 3 episodes of greys anatomy until the contractions got to 7 mins apart.. Told my husband.. We started grabbing our last minute things for the hospital such as chargers and what not.. Then we both showered and got ready and headed to go eat lunch.. At that time my contractions were 6-7 mins apart.. Then at the restaurant, they got worse.. We quickly finished and drove to the hospital. Got there, they checked me.. I was 5cm dilated and in active labor.. They got my hooked up and I waited and watched frozen as my contractions got stronger.. Then I got my epidural which was a breeeeZe.. And then cruised through labor.. I dilated from 6cm to 10 with the epidural in 4 hours.. The pressure to push was insane.. Don't let anyone tell you epidural changes that.. You def feel it. I was in zero pain.. Only pressure. I would do it 100 times over.. My son was born at 2:23 am on Aug 28th.