horrible experiences in delivery hospital

So i Heard from many of women about the delivery hospital where i will deliver baby hopefuly after 4 months.. Lot of them had bad experiences with nurses, during labor n after.. One i remember my friend told me when she was having baby she said to nurse that it hurts n feels presure like wanting to poop and the nurse responded: "so when you had sex it didnt hurt? Then you enjoyed?"  The other story in same hospital, other woman was said before she gave birth n was in contractions one of nurses was wondering n telling her she wont be able to deliver baby naturaly cause she didnt push correctly.. In a mocking way she told her that. 
I also heard from friends that they force you to breastfeed n call you bad mom if you dont do so or need help in middle of night. Now i am kinda terrified not of the labor alone but about relationship nurses will have towards me.. I am very sensitive n emotional n i will need suport on that day not ofensive words.. Im worried (cause i suffer from panic disorder) that they will said something to me on that day n i will go to panic mode cause of the stress. 
It is one more hospital near here but this one is the closest to my relatives.