cal/meg supplement and evening primrose

Any of you ladies take a calcium and magnesium supplement while pregnant or plan to? I've been researching a while ton on the matter since my passion and career is health and nutrition. I've also talked to several ladies at church who are very natural and have each had 5 babies at home. 
Not only is calcium great for bones and neves of both mom and baby but it's also a natural painkiller and magnesium is a muscle relaxant the purpose of taking it from midway through pregnancy to the end is that it helps you have a MUCH better, easier, and less painful labor and delivery. Who wouldn't want that!? You have to build up the stores in your body that's why you'd start it now. I'm just learning that it also helps with soothing babies, helps teething, and sleep! I'm definitely starting my newborn on it!
Anywho, I wanted your opinions, thoughts, and if any, experiences? I'm also going to take evening primrose again once I'm full term as that helps with dilatation effacement big time.