My toddler is acting like a monster now that I'm pregnant.

Before I was pregnant with our second child my son was an angel, he's such a sweet boy, but now that I've been pregnant he's been throwing things at me, screaming, hitting, biting. He is never content to play on his own anymore he throw an absolute fit that I'm laying down so much! To make matters worse is he doesn't respond to no, so he's had to spend a lot of time in time out. He's a year and a half (18 months) and our doctor said to clearly state "no you don't _______." For whatever he does and to put him down and not pay him any attention for 1 minute. But he just throws a tantrum and does it again!! Even laughs about it!!! When he's with my husband he is much better and doesn't do half of that! What could be causing this?