Don't give up you can do this!

I had the worst try last month. My partner has some footy injury and was annoying and sooky and we only had two bd's .. Every time I went near him he was whining about something so I didn't go near him. 
​Period was due.. No awesome boobies
​One day late no period bloat..
​Two days late and five internet cheapies later
​Ok whatever period is four days late today and I sent mr down to the shop to get a first response 
As if I can believe this. Holy moley. 
​I was about to give up. The stress and pressure was too much. Internet calculator says I'm due jan 2nd. 
​I love wine and am going to struggle to hide this from my family as I'm always rocking up to fanily dinners with a bottle of white.. Ahhh! 
​Good luck everyone! Don't give up