something is wrong !! help pls.

I need your help pls. I have a 6 months old boy. From day one he has been spitting up then it was really excessive sometimes vomit. His doctor said he has reflux. 
He was in Zantac & gas drops but nothing works. He is exclusively breast fed. He is cranky most of the day. He is up most of the night. Always grunting day & night like he is mad or in pain. I put him on the floor to play he is good for only few minutes. Then again he starts grunting & crying & want to be held. When he nurses he is nursing for only 4 to 5 minutes. Aso he is refusing alllll kind of solids (puréed fruits veggies cereal) completely refusing to eat anything & when I manage to open his mouth & give him smth he spits it out right away. Then he screams more & grunts more at night before his bedtime & during the night. It's so frustrating. He is always cranky & grunting. While nursing , during the day, during the night. Waking up every hour & half or every 2 hours grunting & screaming. It's so frustrating !!!! I don't know what to do am going crazy. Help! Anybody went thru anything similar to this with their kids ?