IVF first shots done today

I am excited and scared at the same time! TTC 2 yrs and we are finally doing an <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> cycle. DH just gave me two shots tonight, it wasnt as bad as I thought. He has had 4 surgeries and been through more than me so far, he had his left testicle removed in July and it was cancerous but thankfully did not spread! We were supposed to doIVF in August but pushed to Sept. He will have a microdissection the day before my egg retrieval to try and find sperm. We have a donor back up but hopefully we wont need it! I am scared to get my hopes up but I am excited. I'm thankful my Husband is healthy! My tenative egg retreival is Sept 20th, anyone else do shots today? When is your egg retrieval scheduled? Good luck to all ❤️