Canceled IUI - devastated

Julia • We are 2 life loving people who want our healthy baby more than anything in this world!
Today i had an ultrasound to see my follicles. On clomid 100mg day 3-7. This month was a nightmare. Cried everyday, moody, felt cloudy in my head. Just a nightmare. I get to the Dr's office and I can see as she is looking at the machine that i have ALOT of follicles developped this months (12) between 14-19mm in diameter and then she tells me that we have to "skip" this month. As im holding back my tears and rage she leaves and I start pooring my eyes out. Im soo tired. + in the waiting room everyone kept coming out smiling and happy with their + pregnancy tests and ultrasounds. 
Why can't I have that? There is no reason that this is not working. 😭