Annoyed by doctor

So today I was sent home from work and told to go to the er because I was having bad back contraction like cramps and abdominal pain. At the er the doctor I had was clueless. I'm 18 weeks, with a septum, and so I'm very cautious. He took some urine, checked the baby's heart with the fetal Doppler (heartrate was good thank god). He made me wait forever and eventually came in and told me my urine looked ok but I COULD have a uti so that's what he's calling it....
Didn't check to make sure my cervix wasn't shortening or dilating or anything. I refuse to take the antibiotics because I KNOW I don't have a uti and I may sound awful for that but I wish he checked a little more into my cramps 😓 and it didn't help that my husband was completely insensitive the entire time and kept asking me if he could least I go to the doctor on Monday and maybe he will be able to help more