

I feel like I am constantly being judged, no matter what I do, I have someone standing behind watching an criticizing.

Most no one knows what I've been through, I was forced to grow up very fast, I was beaten as a child, an as a result my memory isn't very good, I struggle with my weight constantly an have numerous health problems I can't even start to count.

But my sister in laws like to stand back call me names. I'd like to point out I'm the oldest of both of them! Ones 18 the other 22 I'm 24! An the 22yr old is so immature! But anyway they apparently think I'm snobby and I act like I'm better then them. 1st I'm a drop out I'm no better than anybody. I do not think that. Then stupid 18yr old started calling herself my kids second mother when I said no your not you're their aunt she came back at me with 'well your never home to take care of them.' I'm an otr trucker I'm doing my absolute best to see that my girls are taken care of. An their dad is doing an amazing job. But no one seems to care about my side of this big ordeal except my husband who thankfully got on to his sisters for what they said to me. I was a stay at home mom for 3 years. I've worked hard to get where I'm at. I can't stand these girls anymore 18yr old know it all with no kids said I needed to get a job when I was a sahm now she says I need to come home. An the other 22 yr old is so flipping nasty dhs has threatened to take her kid away if she did not clean her house, I went in with bleach a mop a scrub brush rubber gloves the whole nine yards an cleaned her house so she could keep her kid!! But I'm the one who's always in the wrong an always being judged. So sick of it. To make things worse I think my thyroids gone hypo so forgive me if im a little hormonal. My cup hath runith over. 😦