Venting and also need advice

Ewelina • New beginnings 😊
Hi ladies so I just need some advice because I've been feeling very annoyed lately by my boyfriend. I am 35 weeks pregnant and everything up until this point has been fairly easy however, now I am having a lot of back pain with cramps, I am tired all the time I can't even sleep well either. I feel like my boyfriend thinks that I am just living on easy street when I really am not. I go to work( where I stand my entire shift) I come home to clean and make dinner and I'm in College also. He comes home and bickers about his job and I understand but he complains about his 2 hours commute which I understand aswell but that what he has to do right now for our family and I completely appreciate that that's why I try to make it easy when he comes home with dinner and love. I came home from a 6:45 am -2 pm shift and was making dinner then he comes home sorts to watch tv I ask him to do one simple thing which is to mop the floor with the (swifter jet) that's so easy and simple and he told me he will do it on his day off which was 2 days later , so instead I did it because clearly if I'm asking for it to be done  that day not 2 days later because I don't wanna walk on a messy floor. BUT anyway I think I'm getting to the point where I want to be pampered and feel good idk if I'm being bratty but I'm not even a spoiled girl but I want things done for me if I am carry his child ( lmao crazy huh?) and I don't even ask for a lot but we haven't done anything romantic in a long time we had our anniversary we didn't really do anything besides look at fireworks since its on July 4th. My birthday passed also and we didn't do anything since we were moving. I just think I need some affection,some hardcore affection 😔