Uuugggh SIL and BIL from hell 😩

Tori • Married with 2 year old mini me :) B/G twins due 4/2020

Today I went to my nephew's birthday party. He just turned 6. Everytime I have to be around my inlaws they always try to make me feel as uncomfortable as possible.

I have been with my husband for 8 years now and for the first couple of years I certainly didn't want any children. We wanted to travel, buy a house, I needed to finish my degree, etc.

That really annoyed the hell out of my BIL and SIL for some reason. They thought because we didn't have children right away that we were anti-kids and basically pieces of crap. (We actually wanted to make something of ourselves first, which they never did)

I have tried to be friendly with her but I am at my witts end. I even made her the matron of honor at our wedding because her husband was the best man and I thought they should be able to walk together.

I am a great aunt to their children. I love them like they are my blood relatives. I frequently win prizes on the radio and if it's fitting, I share the prizes with their daughter. Never a thank you or anything.

They don't buy me Christmas presents (I'm not a shallow person but it's so awkward just sitting there while everyone else is opening stuff). Her and her husband frequently bring up my husband's exes like that is casual dinner talk.

I put up with this behavior for like 6 years now. And I am sick of it.

Today at my nephew's birthday party I walked up to my SIL and said hello and started to carry on a conversation. She just looked at me and walked away while I'm standing there talking like a dumbass to myself.

I told my husband about it and he always says I'm exaggerating or its all in my head. I think he just doesn't want to admit that his family is a bunch of assholes.

I feel like I cannot take this treatment any longer it has been so long and I have to see them at holidays, birthdays and random get togethers. I just don't know what to do. If I play nice they have the upper hand and just treat me crappily, but if I just ignore them they say I am being a stuck up bitch.