Being eaten alive by but my boyfriend said!!


So I have something that has been eating me alive! My boyfriend left a couple weeks ago for basic training and we had an argument a couple days before he left. He told me that he wanted me to see other people but he wanted us to stay together. He said it was his way of making sure I kept my options open. I told him that under no circumstances would I be seeing other men while he was away and I expected him to not be seeing other women. He said that he would be totally forthcoming with whatever happened at basic and expected the same for me to tell him if I was seeing another man. I got so upset over this I had to walk away because he just wasn't seeing my side of things and I was having a hard time seeing his side of it too. I told him that I love him and did not see how seeing other people would help that at all.

I do know that when he was away on his mission for two years that he had a girlfriend before he left and I guess they were really in love but she left him two months into him being gone and married another man. I bring this up and our argument saying that he was just scared and trying to find a way out in case I found somebody else. But I tried to reassure him as much as I could that I love him more than anything and I just didn't know what else to do from there. I think that we came to the conclusion that we weren't going to see any other people but at the same time I'm not sure and this is what bothers me and I haven't talked to him pretty much since he left because he can't talk. But I just I don't know what to do.