Chances of being pregnant?

Hello everyone! 
Just curious as to what everyone thinks. I have a very regular cycle, averages 30 days with periods about 5-6 days long. 
I had unprotected sex early early this morning after a party Saturday night. Drunk me thought it was a good idea to skip the condom so now I'm a little worried. 
So I had my period on the 1st of this month, and it ended on the 6th. Glow says that my fertile window started on the 10th, yesterday, and that I should be ovulating in a few days. My % chances according to Glow was 11% for today. 
I couldn't get to a clinic today for Plan B but I'm going to get it tomorrow. My only concern is that the Pill supposedly doesn't work if ovulation has already started. So my question is, if I take the Pill tomorrow, should I be protected? Or is it too close in proximity to my ovulation and it won't have any effect? 
Thanks for reading