Little man born on 9/6


I was planning a VBAC2. My water broke on labor day around 10am..but I was only dilated to 1cm. Labored for a few hours got an epidural because my contractions were 1 right after the other and i wasnt getting a break in between. Made it to 5cm by 10pm that night. By 7am on the 6th I was at 9.5cm. Didn't make it to 10cm until around 1 pm when I started pushing my epidural had quit working completely. I pushed for 3 hours which my Doctor said was too much when I started to complain that my csection scar was hurting. He said it was time to do the csection. I was in alot of pain. My son was born at 4:58pm. 30+ hours of labor and I still had to have the csection. I was disappointed but there was nothing more I could've done. The nurses could see his head coming down but he just wouldnt come down any farther..turns out his head was caught on my left hip and my uterus was stretched thin and my doctor said the section was the right call. Pushing much longer and I would've ruptured. Elliot Ambrose 9/6/16

9lbs 3 oz 22.5 inches long.