Castor Oil

So yesterday I was really emotional & wanted baby out of Me. I felt that I wasn't doing a good job as a mom because I wasn't eating or drinking water like I was supposed to. Due to The fact that me and my boyfriend broke up and he left me. So yesterday I went to Walmart to buy some pineapples and castor oil to try to induce labor. I'm 34weeks & 4days btw! I took the castor oil at about 8:17pm. I felt my first real contraction at 12:04, trust me it's nothing like braxton hicks. The next one came at 12:18. My BABYDADDY was at the house with me so we decided to have sex. We did that than I showered and fell asleep. Around 1 I had the runs really bad. I couldn't hold mySh*t in it was soooooo bad & the contractions were 7mins apart. I didn't go to the hospital right away I thought it would wear off but it didn't. I made this post to say DO NOT USE CASTOR OIL TO TRY TO INDUCE LABOR PLEASE. My but is still burning from running to the bathroom so much & its irritated. I only had 2 spoons of it & I was miserable . I went to the hospital & they had to keep me on the monitor for 4hours because the contractions were really bad & they didn't want to deliver baby because he was under 36weeks. I know a lot of moms want to rush and have baby but just wait please. It's also not safe for the baby.