Missed miscarriage questions?


Good morning everyone. On Thursday I went to go see my doctor I was 11weeks she told me we are going to hear your baby h/b I was excited as well as my boyfriend we were wait for this for so long. That's when the doctor said she couldn't find a heart beat I started to worry then she did an u/s so she can see any movement and she said she didn't I began to cry. Me and my boyfriend rushed to the ER they took blood and other test and that's when they confirmed me saying the baby passed away 8weeks and 5days I rush to my boyfriend with tear in my eyes and he told me what happened and I said I had a missed miscarriage he hugged me so tight and he got teary I was so upset I had so many things planned out I was so excited for this pregnancy

The next I told my doctor they confirmed it and showed her all the exam they did to me. She told me too come this wensenday to see if my hcg level went down and if they aren't am have to get a D&c. My questions are can I still have sex? And is it normal to still have morning sickness?