Really annoyed!!

Okay so I can't be the only mommy of an angel that is getting real sick and tired of the more fortunate moms who complain about pregnancy, like when the complain about being sick or complain about being "too big" like this really bothers me. I would give anything and everything to have my baby girl inside of my and to be super sick again, I would've loved to have had a big baby bump like them. It's like they don't consider those of us who have lost our children. I was halfway through my pregnancy when I lost my little Harley Reese, and I have never yearned to be throwing up every other day like I am right now, it's absolutely crushing to hear one of my close friends who is pregnant say "I'd give anything to not have morning sickness anymore" like i don't know that just really bothered me. Sorry about that long rant! And I'm sorry for each and every one of yalls losses, sending prayers for y'all!💗
Edit: okay so if you think I'm robbing pregnant women of their voices, I'm not, no one can do that. They can say what they please but that does not make me want to hear them complain ALL the time. Yes I know preganancy can suck, I had hemoraging very severely, I was constipated, my back hurt all the time due to the fact that I have a back disease, and yes I threw up almost daily everyday I was pregnant, so please don't tell me pregnancy can "suck", I know I've been threw half of it. I also know that labor is god awful, I went into pre-term labor that wasn't stopped due to my baby's condition. But just because I know all of these things doesn't mean I'm going to be sensitive toward pregnant women when they say those thing or are just complaining about irrelevant things. So trust me, I know both sides, I didn't just miscarry, my baby lived for 3 minutes outside of the womb, I cremated my daughter, so I know loss, and I also know what the pregnancy pains feel like. Just because you think I'm "robbing" pregnant women of their voices doesn't mean you can try and "rob" me of mine. Okay thank you, second rant over.