anybody dealing with an unplanned pregnancy?

I had my first almost 6 months ago. We waited for 3 years to have her bc we wanted to pay off debt. I was so excited for my little princess to arrive. We were planning on waiting for another year before we started trying again but I am now unexpectedly pregnant again. The new baby will be 13-14 months younger than my first. I am honestly so scared and I feel so guilty that I'm not more excited. I'm not ready for another one. My first is such a handful. How am I ganna do it with two?!  
We are in probably the best situation to have an unplanned pregnancy. Married, financially stable, wanting more kids anyways...and yet somehow I'm still so nervous and kind of embarrassed to be pregnant again. I'm not excited to tell anybody, I am almost 7 weeks and We told my parents and that's it. I can't imagine dealing with and unplanned pregnancy in much more difficult circumstances.  
Anybody in a similar situation have some advice? How are you dealing with the mixed emotions? Thank you 😊