gaming boyfriends/father

Hailey • Kinley Sophia was born in July 2015 and Theos Aiden born January 2017
I hate video games so much. HATE THEM! I don't care that he plays but when it starts to get in the way of your family it needs to stop. It's a problem... I was always told do not let him play world of Warcraft! He gets into that all it does it takes up his time! That is all he will do!! 
Well about a month ago he started playing again. I was so upset and begged him not too but he didn't care and started anyways. He told me on I won't do this that takes up to much time but I'll just play for fun. Then the next pay he told me he's going to start rading 4 times a week. Wtf. 
Now every time my daughter does anything (14 months) and I want him to see it he can never walk away from his game. If I need help he doesn't ever walk away from his game. It's a problem but he doesn't see it. 
Now tonight my daughter was tired and she ran to his game room to say goodnight and he wouldn't because he was too busy playing his game. He kept saying in a min I need to beat him first. She cried and cried so I gave up and say goodnight to her and put her to bed. That was it! I'm done!! How can you not say goodnight to your own daughter!!!! Why is this game more important!???
And to make things worse I am 22 weeks pregnant and now I feel like Im screwed because I feel as if this game is his number one. 
I don't know what to do. I just wanna cry. He will not stop playing because it's a hobby and I can never change him but why can't he see it hurts me. This isn't right 😰
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Posted at
Break the game system 🙃🙃🙃🙃


Sophie • Sep 13, 2016
Yes! Another good thinker 🎉


Posted at
I always hated video games too. For me it's just a waste of time.


Posted at
If this was my husband I would start video recording every instance he blows his family off for games- sometimes you have to see it yourself to be impacted by it. Maybe record your daughter's reactions and let him see a compilation of all the times this has happened. It might just be the wake up call he needs...


Posted at
He may have an addiction. Some people think it's a joke, but video game addiction is real and he may need intervention. He's letting it interfere with family life and he's unable to see that. He may need to switch to only games that can be saved and paused at will, opposed to live games with teammates. I tried to find a really good article I read from someone who overcame video game addiction and changed their habits, because like your husband it was affecting their family life. Unfortunately I can't find it but it was from the website (which is normally a humour website but they have good guest writers with some personal topics). Good luck girl.


Posted at
I would honestly take the lid of the Xbox while he is at work (I'm assuming it's an Xbox) and play around with the wires until it doesn't work anymore 🤓


Annette • Sep 13, 2016
now im done with this convo ..fuck is wrong with people seriously


Sophie • Sep 13, 2016
And no Justine, you can have an opinion! I just don't see why you chose to argue it over something that is my opinion. This is only a forum, not the end of the world - have a laugh and think about breaking something of your husbands, it's good therapy 🙂


Sophie • Sep 13, 2016
I've never broken anything of my husbands but i see that as more of I viable solution then leaving him over a game! Maybe he just REALLY likes to play world of Warcraft, I'm just saying fiddle around with the wires, not smash the whole thing in front of his face with a hammer 😂


Posted at
My husband and I are both gamers (video games and board games). We want our child to also play games with us. Games can be a great teaching tool. We both have experience working with youth and using games as a way to connect and teach. I'm sorry that you are having a rough time with your husband. One thing that you could suggest is that he change his gaming schedule to not interfere with things that are important, like bed time. Another thing that you can do is go to couple's counseling to work through this and find an acceptable solution. It could help with communication. If your husband does have a gaming addiction, the counselor or therapist may be able to identify that. Addictions stem from unwanted feelings, depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses and are used as a way to escape those negative and unwanted feelings. If your husband does have an addiction due to some sort of mental illness then the best way to deal with that is by going to a therapist. 


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It effecting his family life no matter what family comes first. Hubby sold his PlayStation 3 in order to pay more attention to our little developing family and i love him 1 million times more and he was very obsessed with gaming


Posted at
I'm sorry for you. Your man has an addiction. It's already so severe that it's affecting his social life. You have to leave him. Only that may give him a 'wake up call' that he realizes that he IS an addiction and needs professional help. Search for an support group for addicted people ( alcohol, game) and let you support.