Birth story


Yes my story is a lil late , as I have been super busy with my lil twinsies!!!!

On August 8th, at 8:07 PM my water broke, and instantly was in so much pain I knew it was time to go ( now) , at 8:20 we got to the hospital and the nurses were trying to hook me up to the monitors to see what's going on.. I kindly told them there was no time for monitors , I was needing to push RIGHT THEN.. They checked me , I was an 7 and they immediately took me to OR to deliver vaginally ( rules of hospital) , and called my doc.. By the time I got to OR I was pushing and baby a ( boy ) was born at 8:41 PM .. A few minutes later my doc came flying in just in time to deliver baby b ( girl) ... All natural twin birth Sucess!!!! Baby a weighed 6 lbs 11 OZ and was 19" long. Baby b weighed 6 lbs 4 OZ and 19" long .. Both babies were perfectly healthy and had no problems or nicu time . I was 36+5!!!! I had a 3rd degree tear because of how fast they came, but recovery was great... Now my lil babies are almost 10 lbs each and are 5 weeks old!!!