little traumatic, definitely not as planned.

Rachael • I'm a 34 year old RN and mother of three (soon to be four). Kinda feel like a 1st time mom, since my youngest is 12!
Thursday 9/8, I hobbled into my 39 week dr appointment. I couldn't hardly walk because of the pelvic pressure and pain. Baby was still measuring big. Dr suggested an induction, I was all in, despite having said I wouldn't get an induction because I believe babies come when ready. (More on that later). 
Friday 9/9, headed into hospital at 5pm. Only dilated to a 3, 70% effaced. Cervadil was inserted, and we started the waiting game. Bounced on a ball, walked around some, contractions started, about 6 minutes apart, no terribly strong. Night wore on. Pain wore on me. No real movement in dilation. Baby was moving all over the place, got flipped from side to side to side. I didn't realize it because no one told me, but she was having dcells with contractions.
Saturday 9/10: dr came in the morning to break my water. That's when they told me about the dcells. They started the IV and the pitocin at about 1000. By noon I got the epidural. Contractions still weren't coming close together, about every 4-5 minutes. Dcells continued. 
At 345 the dr came in and told me we couldn't wait anymore, we had to do a c section. I was so disappointed and scared. So they started prepping me, I cried all the way through the prep. They told me once she was born, I would get skin to skin and she would stay with me in recovery. 
At 435pm Arya Khaelyn was born weighing 8lbs 6oz, 23 inches long. 
The neonatal dr came by the curtain and said "brace yourself" WHAT?!?!? "We think she may have an anal prolapse, we need to take her to the NICU". And after showing her to me for what felt like 15 seconds, they whisked her away. 
I had to do 2 hours in recovery alone. I felt like I was being punished. No word on the baby. No idea what was going on. 
Turns out there was no anal prolapse (thank god!). But when they checked her blood sugar, it was 15. So she still ended up in the NICU for 3 days while we got that figured out and under control. She is perfect now. But it was terrifying. 
And I wish that I hadn't induced. Because I feel that if I had given her more time, she wouldn't have ended up with the blood sugar issue. Live and learn. Luckily she is ok. But if i ever have another baby, I will only allow induction if I'm more than two weeks overdue.