Fake Pregnancy...Would You Fake One?

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Posted at
No, I don't care who gets offended or who wants to have a go at me. It's disgusting. You have to be a certain type of person to do that. What does it seriously gain you? You lie to someone, pretend you're 'with child', they then could potentially get devastated when they find out this baby is made up. 


Brittany • Sep 16, 2016


Ashley • Sep 15, 2016


Posted at
That shit is so annoying! Not to long ago this woman tried to convince my brother that she was pregnant and she sent him a picture of her so called miscarriage. That was the most sickening shit ever! And I've also had a female lie to me and tell me that she was pregnant by my boyfriend(ex) to get me to break up with him. Ughhhh! I hope Karma punishes those who fake pregnancies!!!!! 


Posted at
I would be to afraid of Karama to do something like that.


♈Bethany💯 • Sep 15, 2016


Posted at
No! Oh god my baby brother whom is 4 just  ran off with my phone and voted (already have) by putting my phone in his mouth and sucking on it!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Kelseawach • Sep 16, 2016
I love him to death but ugh


Blu • Sep 15, 2016


Posted at
My bf and I knew I wasnt pregnant but we would have convos with EACHOTHER about it if i was. It was kinda interesting to pretend with EACHOTHER 


Posted at
Faking a pregnancy shows how nasty of a person you could be. While some women are dying everyday wishing to get pregnant but can't, people who fake it need to crawl in a hole and be on their own for a while. 😡😡😡


Posted at
Why would you do that????? Why?? You can only fake pregnancy for so long....