Does anyone else have a terrible boss???

My boss is sooooo not helpful she was trying to fire me after I missed a few days for terrible abdominal and back pain so I had to file for inteemittet FMLA and even since she is constantly on me for my productivity even though I met the goal everyday!!  Today I literally had to break down everything I did yesterday for her cause she thinks I should have been done earlier.  She always is wanting me to leave early even though I am out of PTO.  Also, though I have continued to update her about me going out on leave she had made no arrangements so she has me feeling super guilty that my co-workers are just gonna have to pick up my work while I am out!!!! I want nothing more then to tell her where to go but know I can't😢. Today I cried the whole way home and feel it has a lot to do with the hormones!!! Just wondering if anyone else had a boss like mine I hope not but curious!!