Best friend from childhood destroyed my feelings

Brittany • November 2016 momma to a beautiful baby girl!
Long story short, my best friend from childhood (14 years now) basically told me that she doesn't think I should be having a baby. She doesn't see me as the motherly type, and didn't think my boyfriend (baby's father) and I would be together a year from now. 
Some background: we have been together for two and a half years (she doesn't like him for reasons I'm still confused about), we are financially stable, I will be graduating nursing school in May when baby is six months old, we just bought a house last month and have been doing nothing but preparing for our baby's arrival. I have been so excited for this chapter in our lives but after her saying all of that tonight, I'm just heartbroken. She said we will revisit this conversation in a year and see if I'm still happy. She is divorced with a four year old of her own and says she regrets having kids. I'm not sure if it's just her being really cynical or what. Either way, she ruined my entire night and I'm trying not to burst into tears over it. She's been a part of my life for such a long time even though we have grown apart over the last year, and I don't want to give up our friendship over this but I'm seriously considering it now.
Edit: I should probably have been more clear that I did talk to her while all this was going on, our conversation lasted probably an hour and a half. I did ask her why she did not like my S/O and her reasoning was "sometimes you just don't like someone." He's very good to me and she has only met him twice in the two and a half years that we have been together.