okay serious question 😂

Alright I'm a little past 21 weeks, and can feel my baby girl all the time, kicks are only getting stronger. But I keep getting the weirdest feeling and I don't know what it is.
It's almost like those first time flutters all over again but I swear it feels like I'm feeling it like IN my cervix/vagina 😂 obviously I know I'm not feeling a kick in my vagina but has anyone else felt this sensation? Its almost gentle feeling. Like the equivalent to a gas bubble but just not in the right place. It's so weird and happens all the time as of like a week and a half ago.. 
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My best friend described something like that to me when she was pregnant. Her dr told her it was now and it was just the way her muscles were stretching. 


Cassandra • Sep 16, 2016
That is so bizarre haha it feels so weird😂 thank you for your response


Posted at
YES. 29w3d and I've been feeling that for a few weeks now. It's the most awkward feeling and it almost always happens when I'm standing talking to someone, and I can't stand still when it happens so it looks like I'm about to pee myself or something! 


Posted at
I'm 19 weeks tomorrow and I've felt the same thing lol. I think it's just the baby kicking in that direction but idk 😳


Posted at
I kept feeling something like that around that time and TMI but I stuck my finger up to my cervix and I totally felt my baby kicking hubby thought I was crazy till he felt it too. Probably just them baby kicks! :)