Is every man like this?

I feel like maybe i'm being unrealistic because most men do the things my boyfriend does, and that maybe I shouldn't be so hard on him? I might need a dose of reality.

SO. Does your boyfriend/husband/fiance/SO do any of the following?

* talk in annoying high pitch voices on certain occassions

* ask for sex.. at least a few times a day

* make 'that's what she said' jokes

* take forever to do the chores you asked them to do

* repeat annoying things from the tv/internet (i.e. Christopher Walken impressions, 'Mulatto Butts' from Archer, quotes from movies, etc.)

* Leaves pee on the seat, sometimes

* Leaves hair EVERYWHERE when he shaves

* Barely misses the laundry basket when he puts clothes in the basket (like leaves them on the floor right next to the basket)

* Cooks something really fancy and then expects you to clean up the huge mess..

* Makes pregnant jokes. (Like, 'Me: I have a headache.' Him: 'Oh my god, you're pregnant!'

* Wants to talk on the phone for HOURS

* Really bad at time management

What annoying things does your SO do? 😞😑