positive bloodwork - negative ultrasound

Lindsay • After 9 miscarriages,we got our little miracle in Feb 2016. My little Aidan! Trying now for baby #2!
Has anyone ever gone through this? I've had positive tests and positive bloodwork from my doc, she sent me for an ultrasound but it showed no sign of pregnancy. I'm currently 5w3d. I would assume the yolk sac could be seen? Feeling quite confused
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This was my scan at 5w2d they should have been able to see something. Maybe in another week they will do another scan and you will see baby then. Good luck 


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This happens all the time. You probably just aren't far along enough to see the baby in utero yet. If your blood work is positive, I wouldn't worry about it. A lot of doctors don't do ultrasounds until aroun 9 weeks because there is a good chance you won't see anything very early on. Congrats!


Lindsay • Sep 16, 2016
I track my ovulation faithfully so I'm absolutely certain of when I ovulated. I saw my son at 6w3d. Fingers crossed my levels keep rising and maybe an ultrasound next week will show something


Posted at
Yes it happened to me, my doctors said the hcg numbers have to be over a certain value to see anything on ultrasound. 


Lindsay • Sep 16, 2016
Ya with my son we saw the heartbeat at 6w3d so hopefully they will have me in for another ultrasound next week


Lauren • Sep 16, 2016


Lauren • Sep 16, 2016
Originally I think maybe 6 weeks or so? I went back a week later and there was a heart bear


Posted at
You may have ovulated earlier than what you thought and May not be as far along as what you think.


Lindsay • Sep 16, 2016
I don't think so but maybe. Waiting until next Wednesday for results. I'm going to go mad over here 🙁