in laws 😡

So I'm pretty annoyed right now. My parents-in-law are on my last nerve. My baby boy is due in December and they decided they wanted a crib for their house. I don't see the need in them having one, but I wasn't going to argue with them. If they wanted to spend the money on a crib, I wasn't stopping them, I assured them a pack and play would be more convenient than a crib but they refused. NOW, why am I pissed off? Because they expect MY SO AND I to purchase a mattress for the crib, bedding, etc. I don't think it's right for us to have to buy that? We didn't ask for them to buy a crib, we actually told them not to and now the expect US to buy a mattress and bedding when we already had to buy that for our house? Would anyone else be upset? What would you do?Â