Black hair on fair skin and blue eyes

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If you have naturally lighter hair and dye it, it can make your skin look washed out..some people can pull it off by adjusting their makeup colors though.


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Me a few years ago. I loved my look 💙💚💙💚


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Blue eyes are 👌🏻💙


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I'm quite pale, black hair, blue eyes and I'm always getting complimented on it! 


Isabella💋 • Sep 16, 2016
If you want to do it, then do it. Just be warned that it is difficult to go lighter again if you plan on it.


Co • Sep 16, 2016
My hair is naturally dark blonde/light brown, but I have been coloring it dark brown for 5 years. So from your recommendation should I steer toward blue/black to natural black


Isabella💋 • Sep 16, 2016
My natural colour is light brown and I always use a blue/black dye so it's not completely black😊


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Are you building a character on your Wii?


Sumas💃 • Sep 16, 2016
lemme tell you right now, my hair is jet black and it's the greatest thing that I've ever had.


Co • Sep 16, 2016
No, just getting opinions. I'm debating on coloring my hair black


Posted at
I love my dark brown hair with my blue eyes. I would do it.


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My daughter has very dark hair, blue eyes and fair skin. I'm honestly jealous


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I'm rather pale as well, and my eyes are green, but I always get compliments on my hair color 


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The only drawback of dying your hair black is that you're stuck with it. Lightening black hair, even with bleach, is an absolute nightmare. It does not want to lighten! You have to let it grow out. I dyed my hair black for 6 years and loved it until I decided I didn't want it anymore, then it sucked for a little while. 


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I think it's a hit or miss. Some people pull it off some don't. I just don't think it's flattering when someone's eyebrows are so light that the dark color overwelms their face.