HIP HIP HORRAY!! It has been a long but well worth experience. I have been ttc for 3.5 years. in my first year I was trying to have sex all the time not knowing how much really went in to trying to conceive such as ovulation timing and when we should be more focused on sex. so much we went one whole month and had sex every day. with no success of pregnacy. at this time I wasn't using this app . I figured since this was my 2nd pregnacy it wasn't going to be that hard . at that time my son was 1. i noticed I would sometime go months without a period. I didn't begin to get concerned till our second year when I went to see my Obgyn who tested me for pcos. I was devastated and thought I would never have any more children. so she wanted to do a d&c; and I just wasn't willing to do that at the time it felt to invasive. so she recommend that I see a specialist. so I went to my first of now a hundred fertility specilest. she wanted me to wait 6 months and take metformin and I really didn't want to wait that long. my husband was super supportive in this whole experience. in to year 3 I was starting to lose hope . I have had hcg shots and taken many Clomid treatments and been. on metformin. all with no success. I then went back to my Obgyn who told me she was going to tickle my uterine lining after I take 2 months of birth control along with metformin and will get pregnant. so this time I took her advice and did as she recommended. and she got me pregnant that very month as she said she would. sadly we lost the baby at 14 weeks. the baby was not healthy and I am at peace with that . and was ready to try again right away. here I am 6 weeks latter pregnant naturally and has happy and blessed as we could be. god works in amazing ways. ❤