Kymber • •<3•happily taken •mother to a little girl infinity.•pregnant with baby #2 <3 •family is all that matters.
So, me and my fiance had an open heart talk about some personal stuff about his family, and he respects my decision 100% i just decided not to have a baby shower and actually spend it with him and my daughter and maybe go out to eat, and then go baby shopping for the baby shower and get the cake i pre-ordered and celebrate as a family and welcoming baby Jasper, he sees how much stress and emotional i am, and he agrees that its not good for the baby, so he was just being so supportive to me today and its exactly what i needed, i just told him that if his family or anyone wants to get us something thats fine, they can give it to us whenever, but i cant deal with the stress and drama anymore, but were just not gonna say anything to anyone and just do it ourselves, its gonna be same day and everything! Anyways, besides that i helped my daughter with her homework, cleaned the house and did dishes, and then had the electrician come fix some issues we were having, and now thats done and over with, im relaxing enjoying the peace& quiet and this rain! Id say this is so far a good start to the weekend ♡♡♡♡