I'm 38 weeks and 5 days. I'm scheduled to have my c section next week on Thursday. (Taking him early because I have an incompetent cervix). I had a cerclage put in in April and it was taken out at 36 weeks due to slight tearing. I'm so drained, this little boy is suckling every ounce of energy out of me. Not only that, but I'm in pain. My pelvic bone kills me, especially when I'm laying down. Whenever I get out of the bed and stand up, I can barely walk. When I mentioned this to my doctor a few weeks ago she said it was just my body preparing for labor but I feel like it shouldn't be this bad. I had none of these problems when I was pregnant with my daughter. Ugh I just can't wait to get him out of me so I can hug him and love him and sleep on my stomach again. 6 days and he'll be here. I just wish the days will speed up a bit.