Plus size and depressed

So I had a long journey to finally get pregnant with this baby and I'm completely thrilled don't get me wrong but these hormones have kicked in full throttle this week. I'm 5'6 and 225 pounds so pretty chunky and I have 4 close friends who are pregnant and 5 women at work who are pregnant and I'm probably the fattest one out of all of them....I am almost 21 weeks. My belly has protruded abit but I just look like I gained about20 pounds as if I didn't look fat enough before. I haven't gained a single pound yet which makes me proud....but I already have stretch marks galore and I'm super depressed that my belly button will never pop like everyone else so that people know I'm pregnant and not a complete cow. And I don't even know why I'm so depressed about that! It's so ridiculous but I am and I can't help it. I feel like everyone at work talks to all the other ladies about there bumps but me...they just look at me all awkward like and I'm the furthest along! Before I got pregnant I wanted to lose some weight just so this depression didn't happen and I did lose a few pounds but I'm still sad . I feel like I will never be beautiful and have that glow and enjoy any type of "bump" and I probably won't be able to actually see her move in my belly until maybe the very end. Still can't feel movement on the outside which I know I'm still pretty early for that but I feel like its letting my husband down because he wants to feel her and he can't and it's my fault. I also have anxiety about going in public because I just look so big but it doesn't look like I'm pregnant. I've never had anxiety before. I feel like everyone is looking at me and talking about me and it makes me get anxious and sad. Even though I know I'm probably just being dramatic and nobody is even paying any mind to me. Let me know if I'm not alone!