positive induction story!!

So today I had my 3rd baby 
My first boy, only induction. 
I gave birth on my due date. 40 weeks. 
I got to hospital at 1:45AM pitocin started at 2:30AM and at 2mL only went up to a 10mL entire time. 
I went in at 3cm thick and high cervix but was having BH contractions ranging anywhere from 7-15 mins apart. Once pitocin started they immediately got consistent at 5 mins apart and were not strong at all. But because I knew anesthesiologist was booked all morning I got my epidural at 6:00AM because I didn't want to risk not getting it even though contractions were bare able. Got all the way to 4cm within 6hrs and at 8:30AM doc came in to break my water. As soon as he did that contractions jumped to every 2 mins. At 10:30AM my hubby left to run home and drop car seat off at daycare for other kids so babysitter could pick them up. Little did I know the nurse came in checked me and I was 8cm dialated 😳 I was like omg how?! All the nurses an even the doc said I would give birth around 4pm
So I called my husband and was like you need to hurry your butt up I'm already to an 8. So after nurse checked me I lost my bloody show a huge glob of blood and immediately felt pressure. In a matter of the next 20 mins I jumped to 9 1/2 cm and was scared my husband wouldn't make it back and I would deliver alone. The epidural was wearing thin and I felt soooo much pressure. The nurse came in and said my doctor was finishing a csection so I had to try to not push I was like your kidding right!? So my hubby finally makes it I'm struggling not to push. My doc walks in at 11:20 AM and literally I grab my legs and with one push my baby boy comes flying out!!!! All the nurses and everyone was like holy cow!!!! He came flying out!!!!! Born at 11:21 AM completely healthy no tears no problems what so ever. 
I was scared because I had never been induced but it was by far the easiest delivery I had!! My body was ready to birth and I just needed the extra push over the hump into labor. I had been experiencing early labor for over a week 
Ladies I hope you all have safe deliveries. Thanks for reading about my birth story!!!!