Cycle buddies in 8 days!

So anyone else has there period in 8 days? How are yall feeling? & what are your symptoms as of now? My nipples are a bit sore. Like i just layed down an took my bra off an my nipples rubbed against my bra an ouchhh. My boobs been cramping for couple of days. Idk if its period symptoms or pre-pregnancy symptoms... had ovulation cramps the other day idk its kind of iffyyy! Let me know what yall think.
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I start Af in 8 days... besides twinges and extremeeeee exhaustion, I feel fine. Lol my breast are sore due to the gym, so I don't really see a big difference... in on and off bloated. Back aches, typical pms symptoms not really looking to hard into them. Wbu?


K💕✨ • Sep 17, 2016
Yikes sorry to hear that. Maybe a lot of things seem different bc you're actually paying attention to them this cycle? When I'm trying I tend to focus on every little thing and symptom spot. I pray we both get a bfp nonetheless !


Laura • Sep 17, 2016
ive noticed a couple of things different this month cause i hardly ever cramp for ovulation or cramp period before my period. nor have sore boobs,nipples only when im early in pre-pregnancy. so idk im just worried if i am i hope it wont be a ectopic pregnancy again. had one in dec29th,15