Leaking fluid w/blood

My So and I had sexual intercourse last night around 10:30-11. We haven't had sex in a couple nights & it wasn't rough by any means. I have had spotting after sex before but not like what I saw about 20 minutes ago. I have been losing my mucus plug all day, just little pieces. No blood, no smell, leaking extra fluid. After sex I went to pee and when I wiped I saw with what looked like a significant amount of mucus and blood. Didnt pay much mind, figured it was normal. I went to sleep. 5:30am rolls around and I felt extremely wet down there and so I went to pee again, and before I pee'd there was blood and fluid on the inside of my thighs and vaginal area. I wiped 2 times to get rid of it all. I have urinated more tonight than I have before and there is still bleeding. I have minor cramps but I feel extremely sick to my stomach. Should I be worried or just see what I feel like throughout the day and try to wait it out? Any one experience this? What happened? Oh, I'm 30 weeks and 3 days