husband is irritating.

I am 35 weeks 3 days pregnant and my husband drives me insane. He hurt his knee at work maybe about a month ago, he is still on light duty (works at a prision) and so he works 7am to 4pm. He comes home and sits in my rocking chair and plays his video games. Around 20 something weeks it has been hard for me to clean, cook, pick up after him,our dog and our daughter. And I still do everything when he just sits on his ass to play his stupid video games and watch tv. I never get the remote anymore. He doesn't understand that I hurt everywhere, my ankles are swollen and for once I would like to just sit down and rest. I get his knee hurts, but I think he should still help and realize that I do so much. We still have our bedroom to clean, idk why he can't do it himself since it is all HIS clothes all over the place and still need to clean the dining room of all HIS stuff. I don't want to have to come home and clean after I have our baby boy. I can't get through to him at all. This is my 2nd child and his 1st. And about 20 mins ago he got pissed off at me because he was trying to kiss me, I kissed him back, bit he wanted more. He burped before kissing me and I could still smell it. And his breath stinks. He sucks at brushing his teeth, like I have to remind him. Smh. Then he started going off on me saying I guess you just tolerate my kisses and again you don't care how I feel and so on. I got up and walked away. I hate when we argue because I don't want my son to get angry and feel like he is in charge like my husband does sometimes. But again, it is my fault because I didn't keep kissing him. I shouldn't feel bad about it, i don't think i did anything wrong. The way he talked to me hurt.

Idk what to do anymore.