marriage advice please?

I'm not exactly sure about where to start.. So I guess I'll just start by saying, I'm not at confrontational person, and I don't do well with it at all. Obviously being married I've had to grow up and learn to at least talk to my husband when something is bothering me. But at what point do you give up? Or do you try some new tactic? I've talked to my husband and I feel like sometimes he really does fix issues but other times.. I don't feel so important. Like today before he went on lunch from his class (he's in tech school with the usaf) I sent him a really long heartfelt text,I and he told me he'd read it just as soon as he got out. But I never heard anything further about it. It just hurts my feelings because I put my heart into it. And he didn't even take the time to read it. I don't wanna bring it up because.. If he didn't wanna bother to read it... Then I'm not gonna try to remind him that I sent it. 
Another thing about my marriage that bothers me (and he knows) is that there are some things I feel strongly about when it comes to our 2 month old (as of yesterday) daughter.. That I really wish he would read some of the articles I've asked him to, or research some things on the subject out for himself.. But he just says he trusts me and basically refuses to read anything I send him just because it's something I feel strongly about. I mean.. I guess some women out there want to call all the shots for their children, and maybe can't, but I'd like my husbands opinion as well.
The last thing about my marriage that bothers me (and I'll probably get a lot of crap for this, but I'm just being honest and I can't help how I feel, also I would never tell him this).. But when we got married it was kind of rushed, got married in my sisters living room (which was perfect) but I never got engaged, I never got an engagement ring.. & im afraid at this point it's irrelevant to him because we're already married. Back when we first got married he swore he was going to propose to me in some sweet way (and brought it up lots).. But he's never brought it up again. I'm just sad I never got to have that moment with him in front of me on bended knee asking for my hand.. I always thought better late than never. But now it's seeming like never...
What should I do? Any advice? I've tried talking but he just keeps saying that he knows that I know what's best for our daughter so he trusts me. & I could never tell him about the ring thing.. But I just feel so weird having one little wedding band when all these women have wedding sets.. It doesn't have to be a billion dollars (my wedding ring was upper $200's) and I still feel I have the most beautiful ring in the world.
I'll add in that he knew one month, that we had lots of bills due at the first.. So I expected that paycheck to go untouched except for food.. So I only bought our baby a couple cans of formula (expecting I could always go back to the store).. Well my husband was out of data for the month.. & usually when that happens before he makes a purchase he asks me how much is left in the account.. Well he didn't. & he didn't even ask if our daughter had everything she needed to make it to next pay (14 days away).. He left us with $25 in the bank account because he spent over $120 on WIFI for him and his roommate on base (my husband is in the usaf). I was LIVID. (He's still in tech school so we can't live together yet is why we don't).. Then he told me he didn't check the account before because he had no data, but he checked it afterwards (he still didn't have data and wifi doesn't kick in right away obviously time warner has to come out and set it up). He told me he got it to FaceTime our daughter and I when last time he came home to see her (paternity leave).. He took his xbox one back with him... & that's what he's doing tonight. I have yet to receive any sort of FaceTime. Not to mention the fact he left us with no money (and we didn't have credit cards at the time).. But I went out and got one now because I feel I can't trust him when it comes to that.