After the first long day of a totally failed induction and only having had 3 hrs of sleep in 2 days,...

After the first long day of a totally failed induction and only having had 3 hrs of sleep in 2 days, it kinda kept going downhill. Yesterday morning I was in a lot of pain but only when the baby moved, none during my contractions. And it got so bad I felt like my tailbone was going to break. Then on top of that I had a full on emotional breakdown from being frustrated and exhausted. It was decided I needed to do an epidural as they were already worried the baby may not fit through my pelvis and were worried about a C-section. So they came in and did the epidural and nothing happened, they max the dose and only my pinky toes were numb. At that point I was a mess. So they gave me a strong pain medicine/sedative to completely knock me out. And I woke up once and they gave me a different one to knock me out again. 
I then slept and dilated the last 7 cm in 5.5 hrs. We waited 3 hours at 10cm, 100% effaced, for my water to break on its own (which never happened) and because my doc wanted me to rest more and be able to fully function off those other meds. 
Finally my doc broke my water and got them to give me another "super epidural" medicine through the epi line. From there I laughed and chatted until I pushed baby out (oddly easiest, most enjoyable part of my day). 
With the last push I tore pretty badly, but we expected that. Gabe had also passed meconium and had to be checked asap by the nicu nurses so I couldn't hold him. We both had fevers after delivery. 
Other than that baby was great. 
I went on to delivery the placenta and as soon as it was out I started hemorrhaging. It was awful, next thing I knew I had 8 people all next to me covered in blood, shaking and intensely rubbing my belly trying everything to get my uterus to stop bleeding all while they are trying to also put stitches in internally to stop even more bleeding. So yeah that next 45 mins I spent screaming in pain. 
This morning it took almost 12 extra hrs to get my catheter out because I couldn't even sit up without wanting to pass out and even still I've only "walked" 5 ft twice today. I've slowly had my doctor and all the extra doctors come check on me and are surprised I'm not in icu as they explained I was mere mins away from dying last night. 
But reguardless I've managed to stay in my normal room with baby and am now off of all Ivs, monitors, and all meds (aside from ibprofine)