Deep thinking/ on my feeling, need to vent/ advice pls

Just wanted to know what yall lady think of this? I'm have been on my feelings this past days, trying to not let things bother me but deep down inside I'm hurt. How to move on when there still pain in there? 🤔 how you ever forgive your so but unable to move on? Something that is really bothering for a long time now, my so and I have been living together for 4 years now we have a 2year old daughter and another on the way. We recently bought a house and I honestly don't want him to move in with us for many reasons. The main issue here it has been this long and we have not have any conversation about marriage and I honestly don't want to continue building with someone who is not or might not be on the same page as I am. Do yall think I should have thid talk with him and let him know how I feel ?