Just a little moan 😥

Sarah • TTC since April 2016. MMC #1 Sept `16 MMC #2 Jan `17 Ectopic and Tube Removed Nov ‘17
One of the girls at work, same sort of age as me just a couple years older. Got engaged the same time as we did. Just told me she pregnant, not as an announcement just a comment about working over Christmas and New Years (we're nurses) 'well I'll be about 7 months by then so I'll be driving probably'
And I literally felt my heart break, it actually hurt. 
I have been so good recently having gone back to work and not letting it get to me, I don't know why it hit me so much. Think it might be a 'that could have been me, that could have been us' situation. It just broke me. 
I'm really struggling with other people's announcements, feels like they're everywhere and whilst I'm over the moon for every single person who manages to have a healthy pregnancy it breaks my heart that this happened to us and is happening to so many people. 
Didn't help going to my SILs baby shower 4 days after a D&C and they didn't know anything because I was only just 12 weeks at that time so hasn't told anyone. 
Just needed to say this, sorry if it's a bit of a downer. I'm just having a struggle.