"false" labor at 40 weeks, FTM, 4 cm dialated.

Jill • Pregnant with baby 2! Due 12/25/18
For a week I was having prodromal labor only at night which would stop by sunlight, they were alittle like Braxton hicks which I've had most of my pregnancy, but accompanied by mild to moderate cramping. At my 39 week appointment my dr was impressed that I was dialated to a 2cm and nice and thin, she said it was unusual for a first time mom. She's also the one who called it prodromal labor and not Braxton hicks- she said Braxton hicks do not cause dialation, they exercise the uterus in preparation for the big day ( or days in my case) 
So yesterday at my 40 week check up, I was dialated to a 4cm. She said could be hours could be days and that it was great. Last night I had such bad contractions, starting at 7pm they were finally timeable. They went from 15-16 minutes apart, 12-13min apart all the way down to 6 min apart. 
8 hours later at 3 am I hoped in the shower thinking I'd be heading to the hospital soon. The shower soothed them and I fell asleep in bed. When I woke up I had some mild cramping but no contractions. I have walked for hours, done squats, had sex, bounced on stability ball and absolutely nothing. I was so excited. 
Has this happened to anyone else here? What's you do to get them going again?