I HATE going to dinner at my in laws house. Why? Because when my parents have us over for dinner they have dinner ready for us and wait for us to get there. When my in laws invite us over for dinner they eat before and will leave us cooked meat in the microwave and have US make our own side dishes. Why even invite us over?? When I mention anything to my SO I'm the bad guy for not wanting to eat at his parents house. Shit if I'm going to eat alone with my SO and cook half of our meal I might as well fucking cook in the own comfort of my home. If they'd actually cook a full meal and have us eat WITH them it'd be fine. Hell, make t a potluck and we'll bring sides and we all eat together. Don't invite us over just to sit watching a movie and say "meats in the microwave. There's things to make a salad in the fridge" Idk wtf my SO doesn't understand about this. And NO they don't tell us a certain time to be at the house. So it's not like we're rude and being late and inconsiderate bc that'd be another story but my SO needs to grow up and realize that just because it's his fucking family he doesn't need to defend them all the time and act like everything is normal. Then he gets mad that we're always eating either alone or with my parents. IM SORRY MY PARENTS ARE NORMAL HUMANS WHO COOK FULL MEALS, INVITE US OVER AND WE EAT AS A FAMILY. I'm 29 weeks pregnant, idk if it's just my hormones but gosh damn.