I feel like the worst mother😩

Tonight I was holding my baby and went to sit on the bed to give her bedtime bottle and she arched her back and literally did a backflip out of my arms onto the bed.  She cried for a good minute while I cried along with her.  She seemed fine after and I was able to make her smile and giggle after, but I can not stop crying😔 I have two other kids and I've never had an incident like this happen.  I don't even have the guts to tell my husband because I know I'll start bawling like a baby and I don't want him to think that I'm careless with our little girl.  I just went out in the living room and told him I'm really tired and ready for bed...now I'm sitting here in bed and our baby is in her pack n play next to me and I'm typing and crying.  I can't stop thinking about what could have happened.  What if I was turned the other way around and she landed on the floor?!  Gosh I feel so terrible