Away From My Boyfriend😩

JustAMommyTTC★★★ • Stay at Home Mommy &Wife💞🧔🏽👩🏾 👧🏽12/22/2016| 👶🏽Baby 3/29/2019 👼🏽8/2018 👼🏽1/2020 👼🏽2/3/2020 👼🏽2/28/2020
So it's my birthday week and I live in MD but originally from Jersey. I decided last week that this week I was going to stay in jersey from Tuesday night to Saturday (my birthday) because i am pregnant and spend no time with my mom. My boyfriend/baby daddy dropped me off at my parents' house and now he is on his way to work. I don't know if it's my pregnancy hormones but I want to cry bc I felt like I made the wrong decision to be away from him. I am normally not a clingy person but ahhhh I just feel so emotional right now that I am bac in my old room all alone. I wish I was bac in our bed laying beside him😔 
please tell me I'm not the only one to get emotional when ur SO it's around.