worrying :( please help!

Holly • 25. First Time Mummy 👶🏽
So a couple of nights ago I had light tummy pains on and off throughout the day, the next day I came back from swimming with the family and had some light spotting which was brown blood. It only happened when I wiped and it was only light but made me panic so much I called my community midwives the next morning and they have booked me in for an earlier scan for this Friday. 
I am currently 9w+5 and I'm worrying like mad I still have the light spotting 2 days later...  I've read up that sometimes it's normal to have brown spotting during the first trimester (I know I shouldn't really read things online)..
Has anyone else experienced this and that can put me at ease I'm panicking so much and it's making me go mad with worry :(